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Earworm : Stay With Me by Finch

Reading : Au Pair.

Watching : Heroes, again.

Yummy : Cookies.

Obssesion : Zacky Vengeance of A7X

Colour! : Purpleeeee.

can i get any lamer than this?


♥click one




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1 2 3

nisa suhaimy; fourteen

1. i am your mother
2. *gasps here*
3. Z James Baker = very sexy.
4. milo is sexy too.
5. Tummyache is yummy.
6. i think i love like spammers.
7. i want a meow.

9. Eh. No number 8. Nehmind. I think I'm in love.!
lollipopp-@hotmail.com for self-centred hate mail and msn

msn display name :Ex oh ex oh (♥) 28 March. Shuthefuckup.

Saturday, March 29, 2008



I guess this is goodbye.

1:19 am

Friday, March 28, 2008


Love the new vid! They could've chosen a better song tho. Love Hayley's hair of course. Its a more pastel red orange kinds colour yet fiery flamey red orange. I love the parts where she sings in front of the people in some street and the last part where she sticks her tongue out!


10:43 pm


Lol. Each time Melissa stays over at my house, she will blog. And each time she blogs, I'll be sleeping. And each of the blog post will say, "Nisa is sleeping behind me on her bed"

Lazy bumbum.
Sleep sleep sleep.
Study lah!

10:24 pm

Tell me about this certain conspiracy please.

I miss my hair:
Currently Listening to: Rock Steady by All Saints
Mood: Sick. :(

I am sick today.
So I didnt go to school. Pfffft.
Mel stayed over againnnnn. And at 3 plus, Aslam Paula and Melly went out without me. Wtfffff. Buzz buzz. I was sick lah. So I slept early. Mel tried the Polo sweet thing with the ciggy. Wtf.

Am going to Sydney in June. Not all hyped about it tho. Zzzzzz. BangbangIwannakillmyselfnow. Just so friggin' bummed. BUMMER. Bumbumbum.

Note to you, yes, you.

Idk what's your problem but I'm not your last resort. I dont wanna be the one you look for when you're "alone" (note the inverted commas) Idk what's your reason but I'm sure it'll be a good one since you're so good at pretending. Pretend all you want. Go ahead. Masquerade ball~ Pffft. Because of you, I just dont knw who to trust anymore.

Note to the other you.

I felt chemistry. Bummerrrrrrrrr. Still, your daily amorous plays just doesnt seem to stop. Maybe its just because you're meant to be that way. Each time I keep thinking, its rly not worth it because. You're making me confused. Bummer.

"Just another night, another dream wasted on you"
- Three Cheers For Five Years by Mayday Parade

5:55 pm

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

thats it.
i have had enough.

I can't believe that I actually trusted you all this while.
I can't believe that I actually stood up for you.


You lied.
You fuckn liar.
You played with hearts and even broke some.
Yeah, I knw that. But did you have to lie?
All this while, I pushed away what people said abt you.
And why?
Because I trusted you. Thanks a lot.

This is why I said in my previous post that the world is like a huge masquerade ball.
Everyone is just pretending.
Just like you.

I cannot express how hurt I am.
And I believe there is someone who is 90382910382938923898X hurt than I am.
You knw what, I'm on her side now, sucker.

Generally, some guys can be such fuxors, I swear.

Dear Diary, I found out that two of my friends are such fuxors.

xoxo, Nisa.

10:04 pm

Disturbing much?

This sucks.

Things seem to get a lot worse these days but still I still have those who support me.
At the same time, things a starting to get a lot more clearer.
& Now I knw why. You're just like him. I didnt see this coming but oh well.
I cant rly do much abt it.

I seriously have no idea what to do now. I'm clueless. Speechless. Confused. I've been drifting away a lot nowadays. Thinking, what to do next. Pffffffft.

Idk why, but I sense a conspiracy against me.

A conspiracy of silence.

8:40 pm

Monday, March 24, 2008


Tix are cheap! Wtf!

Melly's sis' friend's band is opening for em.

Go getcha tix.

11:30 pm

Let's riot riot riot.

Listening to: Betrayal by The Black Maria

Pffffffft. I have a lot in my mind but when it's time to type it all out here, everything just goes blank. Rah. I rly just want to zxzxjksijsidjisdjisjdkwjmkakakaksksksksk!!

Thinking of moving to LiveJournal. How?
Because Blogger is a beach.

Well, I'm super happy that Man Utd won 3-0 agains Liverpool. Or as my cousin puts it, Liverfools. Woweee. Chelsea won the other match. Zzz.

Slept late last night cos Melly stayed over! But I wasnt rly tired idk why but I did my homework for a bit and just fell asleep while Melly stayed online and talkd to some dude called Ben who just returnd from Taipei. Lol. Woke up and we left house together.

Gaaaaah. I'm rly jealous of them pleezeeee. I mean I'm always hanging out with them and they keep telling me abt their hols and poly stuff while I whine abt school.

Mmmm. Litty lit was fun today! Miss Ow rly did knock some sense into us. Giving us the encouragement that we CAN and WILL do better and pushing us to try even harder and somehow, it makes me proud to be a litty lit student. (:

Then, everything else was fine 'cept that I wasnt happy with a certain someone. Zzzzz. I just cant stand it that she's just standing there and doing nothing while the others are busy doing their job! Ehmagawd. Even tho I have no say in anything but still, I have the urge to just get up there and help! Please lah, you make me wanna retch. Thankyouverymuch.

If you're trying to make it look like something else, it isnt working lah hello.

Let's seeeee. Went to Tampines with Aslam, Melly and Paula yesterday to get Melly's hippy necklace and my revision books (no one seems to believe me that I wanted to buy revision books)

Lol. I dragged Aslam straight from his Scouts camp. Sorry lah! We ate at Subway and talked for a super long time and we got free Coke Zero! They were giving them out for free. Not bad I guess. Less gassy and sweeter. Yummy.

Went home and watched soccer. We cooked supper which was so damn fun and yummy.

Okayyyyeeeeee, time to study study study. :D I am a good girl. And I wanna eat peanut butter sandwich. Go make.

Oh, anybody going to Nuffnang's Forum this weekend? Hit me if you are aight!

xoxo, Nisa.

9:24 pm

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Isnt this so darn cute. He looks like a band kid.


For now that is. Game is still playing now.
Wes Brown scoredddd!!!

Torres just kena yellow card.
Mascheran argued and kena yellow card and he's out!

I'm like updating Rahman on everything happening in the game. LOL. He got no cable. What to do.


10:10 pm

Saturday, March 22, 2008
Jam shmam.

Photos of the previous jamming with Picture Perfect Sunset are finally up and since I have so much time, I edited them. This is not all of the pictures. As you knw, I can take up to 500 pictures when I'm out with Clique!

Soooo, we went to a new jamming studio called L Cube since that dumb jamming studio in Potong Pasir didn't allow hardcore music to be played in their studio. PFFFFFFFFFT. We had a REALLY hard time finding the studio pleezeeeee. And plus, it was raining! What a nice dayyyyy! John's mum drove us to Serangoon and tadadadaaah.

Look! It's Jasper and Bloody Mary. Again.

John cracks me up like seriously!
While we were waiting for Jasper at Outram Park (fuckn ulu place) there were some people looking extremely suspicious as if they were handling drugs. And then John, he was like,

Cannot! Must do like the Mafia!
*imitates those Mafia people*
Gimme da stuff!


And then he started talking like Chewbacca.

And so, we were running around the ulu place like mad.
John and Sam ran around like crazy without umbrella.
While Jasper and me just ran around sheltered using John Chang's black umbrella!

Hey, Flower Power!
And then...
We finally found the place after some people described the place to be near some brothels.
The place was quite cosy!
Wait, very cosy!
Very atas!
I like! Heeeee.


Why is he always the only eager one to get shirtless!

I had no girlfriend to accompany me this time and so, Sam agreed to be a girly girl for one day. But no, it didnt happen. Ching came a little later! Love!

This is Nick. I like to take pictures of him.

Seee! Nick is greeeeeeen. Cool shit.
Stop smiling at me and play your guitar Jasper!

Gaaaaah. I've yet to see Joel and Jasper shirtless.
Nick has this problem. He usually has this facial expression every few seconds which Samuel refers to as 'face cramp'. Its cute tho.
Jasper was wearing total black that day. Even the guitar. Coolshit.

I seeeeeeee Joel

Lets see after that, Me and John Chang went home. Sam Ching and Nick Joel went to City Hall to have dinner. Gah! Ching said Joel laughed while watching Southpark on Nick's Ipod. She imitated it for meeee. Gah!

Obsession. Nooooooooo.

And he also said 'Bastard kia!' *squeals*

Okay I end this part.


It was a rainyyy dayyyyy.
Went to East Cost with Rebecca Rachel and Joey.
See lah the boys playing soccer in the rain!

Syafiq in 2E4 class teeee.

Yes, thats samuel and his sexy ass and Jie En!

The bbq pit was soooooo far away from the Marina Cove canzxzxzx.
We almost gave up walking in the rain and carrying heavy stuff.

Miss Kaur! But chingmay's the focus.
Hey Jie En!

Tanya came straight from JRA. Raaaaaah! She said that in JRA, got many hawt guys. GAH.
Lol. Alvin looks zzz.

Syafiq playing his PSP.
You knwww!
It was raining rightttt. So we had to use the shelter to bbq and it was someone else's shelter. And why!

Because some fuxors took up our place and we went to them and tried to get them to move out since we had like 20 plus people arriving and they had only like 10 people?


They kept asking us to compare receipts. Because Miss Kaur booked the bbq pit with the verandah and thus, we paid more for them fuxors. Boooo.

One girl even looked at Alvin and gang and said.

What are you looking at you gangsters!
No, you guys are not gangsters, you are losers!
Go away losers!

Desmond and Allen, performing to everyone, what they call, Screamo.
Hey Gibson!

Jovon doesnt look too pleased with them performing.

Jovon and his gay shirt.

WELL OKAY, I've still got some pictures. Am editing them.

& I sense some conspiracy going on.


4:23 pm

Read my lips.

Do you have the time, to listen to me whine?
Not a single zzzzzzzzz.
Ladies and gentlemen, thats what you call
Time to play, fill in the blank.

12:13 am

Thursday, March 20, 2008
4 days.

I do have pictures. A lot of em actually just that its just not the right time to post them up. A lot has happened in just a short span of 4 days. 4 days.

Honestly, I feel alone. I'm AM standing alone. Cos all this while, things that looked so good just suddenly revealed its true self. Things twist into something else so suddenly. I never even suspected anything. No. Not even one bit. I never guessed this would happen. And I thought things were gonna get better now, after the holidays.

4 days and just 4 major events.

And then I realise, everyone is just pretending.
Just like I'm pretending.
This hit me soooooo baaaad.

It seriously hurts.
The feeling of betrayal.

And doesnt anyone knw that its seriously rude to not tell someone a secret just after saying this phrase 'You knw what!'

I've been crying for 4 days.
4 days and everybody's just having fun pretending.

The world is like a huge masquerade ball.
Everybody's wearing masks.
Hiding their true self.
And when its all over, everyone takes off their masks and reveal their naked faces.
And then you think to yourself, I never thought he/she was like that.

Because 4 days ago, I was happy.
I was sooo happy and grateful for the things I have.
And then everything just fell apart.

I'm so sick of crying.
I'm so sick of betrayers.
I'm so sick of having nothing to be proud of.
I'm so sick, infected with where I live.
I'm so sick of being an in between person.
I'm so sick of trying and trying and trying.

4 days.
Were you having fun?

9:59 pm

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Conor Owen Peek.

I have been writing sick poems.
Idk why. Sick & twisted poems. Sounds yummy.
I feel like I'm becoming more and more like Zee everyday. (Beautiful city of The Dead)
And thats a good thing! Except that I dont play the bass and my name is Nisa Suhaimy. But I do have a super cool notebook! Woah, super cool.

Now, only the coolkids say fux.
Fux yooooh fuxing fuxor fux fux fux.

If you're not cool, dont even try it. (:
No no no.

FUX. My room is SO SUPER SPACIOUS NOW. I swear, you can put in TWO DRUM SETS in the open space.

10:18 pm

I'm so sick.

I feel so betrayed.
This just leaves me speechless.
What can I say.
Just when you thought the ones you love are there,
to support you, and then they just betray you just like that.
I guess this is life.
I have nothing to say. Wait, its not like I even have a say in it. DUH.
I take back what I said yesterday.

I feel so betrayed.
So fuckn betrayed.
Thanks a lot.

And you.
You've changed.
I would never thought that I would say this but I despise you.
I am so sorry but who are you now?
What you have become just makes me so disgusted.
Only we knw this.
I hope you enjoy the limelight with your new friends. (:
While we just sit back and watch you fall apart.

9:23 pm

Three things.

Found this in my archives!

Three things that scare me:
1. Reptiles
2. Blood
3. Ghosts? Oooo.

Three people who make me laugh:
1. CliqueClique (The same old people!)
2. Jim Carrey
3. Whoever that makes me go lolrotflzomfghahaha.

Three Things I love:
2. Hawt guys hawtstuff EVERYTHING HAWT LAH.
3. Tau Huay and maybe yoghurt. YUMyum.

Three Things I hate:
2. Horny Strangers

Three things I don't understand:
1. MATHS & I never will understand Maths.
2. XML Scripts.
3. Bangbang. Dunno lah.

Three things on my desk:
1. CDs
2. Vaseline (No no. Not what youre thinking)
3. More Vaseline (Hand & Nail Lotion wtf) (Note: Must bring moisturiser to school. My hands get dry very easily nowadays. So weird)

Three things I'm doing right now:
1. Chewing my tongue
2. Kissing my sass.
3. Watch tv watch tv (NISA! You're supposed to be finishing up your book review. Tsk!)

Three things I want to do before I die:
1. Travel around the world
2. Marry some hot rich dude and have kids and possibly have my own line of waterproof undergarments. Wheeee.
3. Uh. Idk.

Three things I can do:
1. Read Arabic! :O! Chey.
2. Roll my tongue?

Three ways to describe my personality:
1. yummy
2. pretty
3. prettyummy

Three things I can't do:
1. I cant jump very high. Irritates me.
2. Snap my fingers loudly. Gaaaaah!
3. Stop procrastinating.

Okay, time to do book reviewwwwwwwwww~


12:34 am

Monday, March 17, 2008
Hardcore heartcore.

Go go.
Now you knw how to be hardcore.
So go get your clothes two sizes too small now now now.
Go kill animals for their fur because you're hardcore.
Guns hearts blood knives, oh so typical.
Go steal the school janitor's keys to make you look hardcore now now now.
Go take your sister's bandana now now now.


Today was okay I guess. Got back our litty lit papers and English papers back! Oh. and Malay too

Lit - 14/25 - Ummmmmmm. Not satisfying enough. Prev test was 15/25. Gaaaaaaah!

English - 31.5/40 - Highest in Okri was 38. YOU KNW. THE OTHER CLASS (MISS ILAN'S CLASS). THEIR PAPERS WERE MARKED OH SO LENIENTLY!! LIKE WTF LAH. and soooo. They got higher marks than us. Booooooo.

Malay - 15/20 - GAHHHHHH. Syafiq beat me by ONE mark. Zzzz. And he's rubbing it in. SUCKER.

Desmond got highest in his class for English! Great success.

Sam was going around trying to convince people to invest in the 'Invest-and-You-Will-Be-Blessed' Scheme for his DIY gig. People like me, listened attentively while others just walked away from him. Awww. :( Its okay! I see quite a few people on the list! Okay, basically you just put in a certain amount and you'll get back a 120% return! Easy money! Um yumyum.

I tried to interest John Chang in this invest scheme and he went ' Fuck you lah1'.

Omfg! I missed 3E6 so muchmuchmuch. I miss gossiping with Clique!

And omfg, have you seen her Display Pic? Zomfg hideous. Grotesque. Yuckyuck.

Oh yes, Im getting a new guitar and Im looking for a supercool jet black acoustic yumyum.
Any recommendations?

Okay, I gotta pee now.

10:12 pm

Sunday, March 16, 2008



I managed to play My Heart by Paramore
And Cry by The Veronicas which I can sing along to.

I lurbbe myself.

Gotta get a jet black omfg super cool black guitar for myself now.

I baked a cake for Chingmay yesterday and me and Sam went to her house to surprise her!

She was very unglam when we arrived. DUH. Surprise what.
So she changed and let us in after that. And surprise woooooo.

We had fun deciding on wishes. We told her she had fifteen wishes since she turned fifteen and her bday falls on 15th of March!
She wished for smth for everyone of us in da clique!


Which includes, me to be fatter. :( NO WAY IS THIS GONNA HAPPEN YO.
Herself to be slimmer! :D! Its alrdy happening yo.
And Picture Perfect Sunset to be a success yo!


Now John changi airport is telling me he can scream like Dennis in Alesana.


10:11 pm

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Hey horny.


No, no. No kinky sex (:

am lazy to blog now.
no mood.
im not happy pappy.
ill go write a song about combs and electricity or smth.

10:44 pm

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Woodneuk woodneuk!

Pictures for Istana Woodneuk outing.
Let the pictures to the talking.
Am going to bed now.

10:53 pm