nisa suhaimy; four
1. i am your
2. *gasps here*
3. Z James Baker = very sexy.
4. milo is sexy too.
5. Tummyache is yummy.
6. i think i
love like spammers.
7. i want a meow.
9. Eh. No number 8. Nehmind. I think I'm in love.! for self-centred hate mail and msn
msn display name :Ex oh ex oh (♥) 28 March. Shuthefuckup.
Donuts and ye black book.
I spent today making my little black book!
Plastered with hawt pictures of Zacky (DUH!) A7x and Frankie and Gee!

I think I could start a business.
Maybe I shall make one for Boo and Ching.
And an Ayumi one for Siblehhh.

I could make a fortune fuck.

Yes I know you see an 8 days mag there. Ignore it! I know its very cheena! PLEASE PRETEND ITS NOT THERE THANKYOUVERYMUCH.

god i love mum.

OREO donut thingy!
Kill me alrdyyyyy.

I think I'm seeing
edited bit:
Im sick and tired cleaning up after people who can clean up after themselves.
They make a mess and expect SOMEONE to fucking clean up the fucking mess.
Well, you know what.
11:26 pm
MIA MIA and pretty pictures too
Reason for MIA : Sleepover at my cousins!
Slept there for say 4 days/3 nights the day after Deafcon.
wheeee. so fucking unglam.

i love my cam!
and kitty too.

dont her eyes look like zacky/gerard's eye make up


i miss her!

unglam unglam.


imma camwhorette.

i tell you the cat loves him.
Like bf gf.

we bought these DIY bracelets at science ctr!
look what ive madeeeee.

tak glam siallll.

emo nehhzzz.

another tak gLAMM.

it has a basket!

i think itty is like a total opposite of

the next picture is gonna be a total OMGWTFBBQKNNN! picture. youre so gonnah hate me for this.

12:14 am