1. The next person you'll hold hands
: uhs..
2. Do you sleep with the TV on?
: yup. i cant sleep peacefully without it on.
3. Have you ever drank milk straight
out of the carton?
: yes. no one else in my family drinks milk so.. just drink like dat lor.
4. What did you do today?
: school. slack. oooh!! i ate yummy stingray.
5. Do you think you're old?
: nah. im only fourteen C:
6. How fast can you type?
: erm. i dunno. but i can type without looking at the keyboard.
7. Are you afraid of the dark?
: kinda.
8. Eye color?
: jet black, baby.
9. Do you like your life right now?
: erm. maybe..? well.
10. When's the last time you chose a
bath over a shower?
: last weekend.
11. Do you knock on wood?
: nahhh.
12. Are you drinking anything right
: nope.
13. Do you have good vision?
: nah. im wearing specs. :D
14. Can you hula hoop?
: yuppies. long time never hula hoop. im a pro! haha.
15. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
: depends.
16. Is your crush a secret, or does
everyone know?
: secret. duh. some know lah.
17. Do you use big words?
: when i think of them then yah.
18. What are you thinking about right
: whether to take bus or taxi to shenton way with lina tmr.
19. A movie you watched when you were
little ?
: little rascals. love it <3 loads. effing funny.
20. Do you enjoy gossip?
: if its hot then yah.
21. What song's in your head right
: taking back sunday and FOB.
22. What will you do next week?
: WILL MUG LIKE SIAO. common test. not again. havent even receive back EL paper lah.
23. Plans for today?
: stay up late cos tmr is a SATURDAY.
24. What's your middle name and why?
: i have no middle name. not counting the 'BTE' cos that simply means daughter of.
25. Name some states you've been to.
: bah.
27. When was the last time you told
someone "I love you?"
: its..recently
28. Last stupid thing you did,wen u
were drunk?
: i have not and will never be drunk.
29. How are you feeling today?
: happeh!
30. Are you purple?
: -__-"""||
31. Have you ever been suspended or
expelled from school?
: nope. i never get caught. :DDD
32.Have you ever crawled through a
: yup. in indonesia. escape from my cousin.
33. What's for lunch?
: maggi mee. yum.
34. Have you ever eaten dog food?
35. Can you handle the truth?
: depends.
36. What did you do last night?
: everything and anything.
37. Bought anything lately?
: of course lah.
38. Any cool scars?
: nah. cool? nah.
39. Name an old school song you like?
: nah. i dun listen to them.
40. How many kids do you plan on
: oh. 1009097765343457787878986454.happy?? whddafuck.
41. Do you want to get married?
: yah.
42. How often do you talk on the
: when i feel like it lah.
43. Do you talk to yourself?
: if there is a need to. or when im really lonely. then yah.
44. Is there something you want that
you can't have?
: yes. world peace. money. money. money. money. money. and more money. :D
45. Name three things that you
: 1. sometimes i regret coming to zhonghua.
2. cutting my hair in the FIRST place.
3. erm. i dunno lah.
46. How do you feel about the word
: reminds me of wah lim. haha. wawa. wah wah.
47. Who did you last hug?
: cant rmb.
48. Name a fault?
: bah.
49. What was the last thing you ate?
: cookies.
50. What was the last thing on your
: omg. whddafuck. fucking effing girl lah.