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Earworm : Stay With Me by Finch

Reading : Au Pair.

Watching : Heroes, again.

Yummy : Cookies.

Obssesion : Zacky Vengeance of A7X

Colour! : Purpleeeee.

can i get any lamer than this?


♥click one




April 2006
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nisa suhaimy; fourteen

1. i am your mother
2. *gasps here*
3. Z James Baker = very sexy.
4. milo is sexy too.
5. Tummyache is yummy.
6. i think i love like spammers.
7. i want a meow.

9. Eh. No number 8. Nehmind. I think I'm in love.!
lollipopp-@hotmail.com for self-centred hate mail and msn

msn display name :Ex oh ex oh (♥) 28 March. Shuthefuckup.

Monday, July 31, 2006

i surfed around kennysia.com today and he had this benglish translator.. [beng+english talking one u noe hors] and u can oso see xiaxue's website in benglish u noe..

lemmi gib u links orhkys..

xiaxue.blogspot.com benglish style

must go hors.. u see lahh.. now i oso tok toking benglish lorhhs. must stop u noes..


6:54 pm

Saturday, July 29, 2006

a random post for todayy...

10 things u dunno about me =)

1)I love childhood games =) - oh come on who doesn't
2)I hate [wait must use stronger word] DESPISE GREEN!!
3)I saw David Beckham before *gives serious face* - yes indeed.. rmb he was here for
some olympic thingy.. yeah.. i was on an excursion with my pri school at spore
science ctr and there was a crowd outside so we go kaypoh os we finish eat at mcd
mahh.. i.. i saw him!!! my
friends were like -"ehmagawd!!!" .. our classmates didnt believe us.. fukkers..
4)I have a DARK DARK DARK past.. lets not get to that part
5)I memorise all the oldies[beatles, the eagles and stuff] the lyrics cos he plays it
all the time in the car
6)I don't shower in the morning till I feel like it.. -shup!!
7)I would like to color my hair in two shades of red and a shade of brown.. if im allowed to
8)I am scared of lizards.. they're so.. UGghHH!!
9)I think[no, i am] i am a spoilt girl.. *sighs*
10)I'm the child[out of my 2 siblings] who is the 'easiest' to give birth to[according to my mum]

This post took me .. ermms.. 23 mins.. =) ..


i went to my cousin's house.. cause her kitchen caught fire in the middle of the night.. my aunt went to heat some dish and then she forgot and went to sleep.. she woke up and found firemen and smoke in her house.. [they banged open her door] and luckily her whole family was saved.. *thank God*

thats the crap-outta-my-mouth for today

oh yeah.. and my mum and me made apple strudel.. yums..!!


8:08 pm

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


daddy confirmed the new car!!!


but it'll be coming in by the 20/8/06..


i cant wait!!

today out literature period was replace by stories[stories of the mischiefs in our school-courtesy of mrs grace wong]

-2 boys, now in 4e6, actually broke into our school during the december hols last 2 years -at night, they so stupid.. of course the neighbourhood can see them.. and they broke the fire extinguisher thingy and sprayed the fire extinguisher thingy all over the second floor.. actually that kinda rocks.. respect our dear, brave[but stupid] seniors..

and during the morning assembly while the whole school was reading.. mr keong confiscated one pupils phone cos he go and take out that teacher can see.. then he fought back mr keon and almost punched him but mr lee stopped him and chester cher clapped loudly..

mrs wong said that chester is dangerous..
once, he took a knife and put it 5-6 cm away from the teacher's throat cos she never give him extra ingredients.. so scary..

p.s-mr low still sucks.. big time..


[yay!! new car!!]

9:40 pm

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

no no no
i shuper duper


*throws confetti in air and prances around like a little idiot*

daddy[real daddy uhkaysh] is buying a new car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Toyota Wish X
+ an mp3/dvd/reverse camera or what u call a tv in a car!!!! and some more its a freebie lorhhs!!! so cool!! a tv in a car!!! + high class leather seats[freebie] fuuyoooh!!!+ CUSTOMISED-CUSTOMISED UHKAYSH!!] carpets[freebie]+ sports rim[freebie]+ some more cool junk.. and they're freebie !!!

aaahhh!!!! im getting hyperractive!!! i need li shi!!! to freek outt witsh mee!!!!!!

ok.. calm down... breathe in and out and repeat... hooh..

and my daddy actually 'confessed' his love for our current Toyota Corolla .. haha

mr low sucks!!!!! i hate that freekin bastard..
he doesnt noe how to teach lorhhs

lois, me and jo[leen] stayed back.. for ipw..
jo was so funny lohhs..
ok.. this guy was looking at her.. den jo went to do the 'head up thingy'.. the ah beng kind that says 'oi! got problem issit' ahh dat one..

she anyhow go and do liaos.. lois and me cannot stop laughing..

me and lishi found out that u cannot whistle after laughing..we were whistling cos we wanted to make sherrie-who cannot whistle.. hahaha- to envy us.. haha.. so we whistled and laugh and we couldnt whistle after laughing so much.. haha

crasherette- i may stick to dat name
as in brunette -the -ette u put with crash den become crasherette

yah.. i sick old man.. or grandaddy dickson/david is back.. he is a sick old man.. and he said the doctor say he got stomach problem thingy.. haiyah... old man..

P.S did i mention that mr low sucks!!


9:36 pm

Thursday, July 20, 2006

yayy.. tmr ishh racial harmony day..

*actually im not that excietd bout it.. lollers*

i wanna raise up some topics..

1) The phrase that i always say nowadays
-oh shut up
-fine, btw [be that way]

my higher malay frens try and copy me so i dunno what else to say besides oh shut up to stop them.. 'keep quiet' didnt seem to cross my mind though..

2) there is a freekin cool shop that me, lois and geraldine went to.. they sold those like beads, friendship bracelet strings and all those stuff u need for diy things lahh. and geraldine bought *lots* orfh stuff

3) geraldine and lois came to my house for dnt project but we ended up *playing dress up* they wanted to borrow malay dress from me for tmr and lois' waist is wide.. so skirt cannot slip in.. hurhur.. i wont tell all of it.. hurhurss.. geraldine and me.. wearing green .lois is wearing cream coloured..

4)we watched this stupid video about a retarded guy lahh in jail and it was damn hilarious can.. *cartoon*.. and we oso watched this video collaboartion of some scenes in ouran high host club.. so funny.. and lil bit *elck*

if u share straw or cup with another person.. wudden dat be called unhygienic or indurect kissing.. ill let u decide..

6)me and ______ like to walk past class ___ cos of erhemms.. lahh

7)we thought that the israeli folk dance thingy we did during PE was kinda fun.. lollers.. grapevines.. step-hopping.. in-out thingy.. cool...

8)lois says thingy as thin-kies/thing-gies--- she very weird one lohh.. sorry.. ^-^

9)english common test to0day... sucked..big time...dun wanna talk about it..

10)sherrie doesnt like to b3 remembered of her eldds assignment.. gypsy...gypsy...gypsy...gypsy...gypsy....gosh im evil..

11)gayle nerva is OUT!! she hab good voice lorhhs.. too bad liaos..


13)i hate y0oh... u freekin sHiit..

14)i love y0oh .. muacks.. hurhur.. xD

15)im still waiting..

im tired.. so.. im freekin off now.. tatas..<--- why did i typed 'tatas'?

toodles.. haha.. better


9:23 pm

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


me and wah lim went to junction 8 yesterday and we took neoprints!!! <--- DUHHH!!


she do the colourless polish..

and today i went home with sherrie

i very lazy to blog liao..

thank u ma'mun!!!
i dunno whats to do wizzout u!!

blog more


6:53 pm

Thursday, July 13, 2006

today was a wicked day.. PE was fun.. [well, not exactly PE lahh]i watched the boys playing something then i was wonderung what were they playing and they were playing pepsi cola!! the whole thing started from sherrie.. [-_-||] but it was fun..


and then when everybody go already[our PE period for thursday is just b4 recess-lols]i teamed up with sherrie[mummy.. long story] and clement[brother] teamed up with dickson[grandaddy.. lollers.. long story again] and they won for 2 matches out of 3 matches.. we won 1... dang..


we want a rematch


i bought 8 days[SI] and the SI official mag[in case yall dunno what SI is [dodohead] its SINGAPORE IDOL]

and i got a free poster and stickers.. hahaha..


pictures!!! i got pics!!

one of the sides of the double-sided poster.. kewl!!

hmmmm.. heeshoo dreamy..sighs

gayle.. girl-next-door image.. super chio.. nice perfect smile.. me dad's colleague the daughter

a big blah.. for those 2 losers... [nooo.. offense for supporters of these ppl]

i gtg.. blah.. i mean.. SI, out..


6:10 pm